Kuopio is a very lively area with high profile health innovations and growing companies with strong international appeal. Health Week 2019 includes several health related events with interesting up to date information.
29.–31.3.2019 #eHealth2019 Hackathon
Accept a challenge to create new solutions in only 48 hours! This event brings together healthcare professionals and game makers to create new ideas and ways to use eHealth technology and promote eHealth with gamification. eHealth2019 Hackathon is organized by Games for Health Finland, coordinated by Savonia University of Applied Sciences. For more information
1.4.2019 International Testbed and Living Lab workshop
For more information: arto.holopainen@kuopio.fi
1.4.2019 TIETOALLAS ei ole kaakana – eikä perimätieto, datatarve ja SOTE-tutkimus ole enää aprillia (event is in Finnish)
Tietoaltaan tarina, kansalliset biopankkipalvelut, SOTE-toimijoiden tietotarpeet, tekoäly ja ennustaminen. Lataa ohjelma tästä. Lisätietoja: arto.mannermaa@uef.fi ja erkki.soini@esior.fi ja tapahtumasivulta
2.4.2019 Health Tuesday
Tule kuuntelemaan Health Tuesday -tilaisuuden (Helsinki) webcastia Kuopioon. Helsingin tilaisuus ja kuultava webcast on englanniksi. Kuopiossa Health Tuesdayn puheenvuoroja seurataan nettilähetyksen välityksellä ja verkostoidutaan paikallisin voimin. Tervetuloa mukaan rakentamaan uutta yhteisöä! Lisätietoja ja ilmoittautuminen
2.–3.4.2019 #eHealth2019 International Conference
Conference offers unique meeting place and new information to physicians, nursing staff as well as to responsible persons for management, planning and education. Top quality international keynote lectures are accompanied by up-to-date scientific abstracts. The program is aimed at health care professionals and service providers as well as researchers in eHealth area. For more information
4.4.2019 Health19 Seminar, Tahko
This seminar hosted by the University of Eastern Finland is moderated by Juha Yrjänheikki and offers a perfect mixture of health and business, giving it’s attendees a good, vibrant understanding on what life science, health and innovations are today. The seminar focuses on health technology and well-being with key note speakers from global companies, such as Dr. Chris Winter. For more information
4.–5.4.2019 Tahko Ski Lift Pitch
Tahko Ski Lift Pitch is a one-of-a-kind startup pitching event that pairs entrepreneurs with investors in a ski lift by the stunning slopes of Tahko Ski Resort – Talk about a captive audience! For more information