Business Kuopio


Nordic Business Exchange Roundtable – Finland and USA


Time: June 15, 2023 at 8am–2pm
Place: Savonia UAS, Kampus Sydän, Microkatu 1, Kuopio

Nordic Business Council invites you to join the interactive Business Roundtable discussions and VIP Lunch and Networking with US and Nordic Business Council Leaders, government officials, and academia.

Meet the founders of the Nordic Business Exchange and Nordic Business Council USA.

Learn about new business opportunities, strategic partnerships, potential customers and new market expansion.

Roundtable agenda

8:30-11:30 New Market Expansion Program and Market Expansion Readiness Evaluations
Women in Smart – Minna LeVine (USA) Mentor – Select Global Women in Tech ,
Tech Hubs USA for Nordic Companies – Minna LeVine
Virtual Presentations from Key Business Leaders, Partners and Nordic Business Council Members (USA)
Introduction of Nordic Business Council members attending the event
11:30 – 2:00  Lunch and VIP Networking Introduction of attendees – Present yourself and your brand to the participants to discover new business opportunities.


Registration is required. Limited seating for each regional event. (Note to mark the city / Thursday, June 15 – Kuopio Region)

Price: around 95 euros ($97 per event)

For more information and registration on the event page

The event is organised in cooperation with the Nordic Business Council, S&C Business Development, Business Kuopio and Osuma HR Services.